Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lone Survivor PT.4

Ok let's see if I can finish the story. As I was saying, Marcus knew this wasn't gonna be good.Well the crazy guys tortured Marcus for about 6 hours, during Marcus's torture one of the Taliban men left the room and come back with a young boy about 16. The young boy just laughed as they tortured Marcus.one of Taliban guys broke Marcus's wrist, he took the butt of his gun and slammed it into Marcus wrist.Marcus said he he could handle all the kicking and punching like he had been trained to do, but Marcus said he would have killed all 4 if he knew they were going to march him outside and kill him.

After about six hours of torture, the village elder Ben come inside Marcus's room and told the Taliban men to leave and the Taliban men left without a word!!. About an hour after the Taliban men left, Gulab come into Marcus's room and told Marcus to come with him.Gulab took Marcus in the mountains because the Taliban was getting really angry because they wanted Marcus. Ben the head of the village didn't want to put the village in anymore danger.

After hiding in the mountains in a little hut that I failed to mention, Marcus and Gulab heard gunfire in the village,but Marcus and Gulab knew the Taliban was just firing there gun's in the air and not harming anybody.So after hearing gunfire Marcus and Gulab took up a defense position in the little hut just in case the Taliban come there way.Marcus told Gulab to cover the windows and Marcus said he would guard the door. And for the first time Gulab said "Ok Marcus" instead of "Ok DR. Marcus", Gulab knew Marcus was more than just a doctor.
After hiding in the hut for awhile Gulab told Marcus "let's go the Taliban is gone, but we must hurry" basically.

Well Gulab and Marcus Left the little hut, Marcus asked Gulab where they were going but Gulab wouldn't tell him.As Marcus and Gulab were walking through an open field with there weapons, Marcus glanced at the mountain side and saw the very man he was sent to kill.Marcus raised his weapon and aimed it rite at Sharkman's head,Marcus said they both stared at each other and Sharkman didn't even move a muscle.Marcus wanted to shoot him but Marcus knew if he shot Sharkman him and Gulab would get killed. Because Sharkman's men were all around them even know you couldn't see them.

So Marcus and Gulab just turned around and continued on through the open field.Marcus and Gulab eventually reached a mountain side and started climbing it, Gulab got to the top first and just as Marcus reached the top shortly after Gulab, he saw about ten men in uniform armed .It was the U.S. Green Berets, Marcus was so happy to see them. Marcus tried to offer Gulab a form of payment for helping him but Gulab wouldn't even take Marcus's watch.Well Marcus thanked Gulab and told Gulab to thank that little old man who took on the 40 mile trek with that little note.

After Marcus spent time with his family in Texas and recovered from his wounds, he returned to a new SEAL team and finished the years he had left in the military.Marcus has to sleep with the TV on at home just to remind him he is home, he always has to check the door locks at home too.Marcus Will wake up in the middle of the night hearing his dead buddy Danny scream "Help me Marcus" and Marcus always questions whether he could have done anything or not during the battle on the mountain.

If you have any questions about the story let me know (Like I said I am not the best writer in the world).And if you have any thoughts that you would like to share Like for example,things you liked about the story or things you didn't like please share =).