Thursday, June 24, 2010

A post.

(Brick town)
Here is a small list of random thoughts and things.

  • I got new tires for my car, a new back tail light (Because it was cracked), I scraped the tint off the windows and bought a cover for my front left light, dad got the blinkers to work properly 3 dollar fuse under the dash=).

  • I have poison oak and it is very annoying:(.

  • If I was to live in the city I would live in a place called brick town.
  • I have watched some weird movies lately called "Alice in wonderland" and "Twilight new moon"
  • I am a certified diver:).
  • I have been hitting the gym but not the treadmill:/
  • Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is very sweet (And I ordered the small and also felt like throwing up by the time I got done eating it:P)
  • God is good and I am very blessed.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Tomorrow Dive lake 1:00 O'clock I'm there!!.

Last dive and then certified=).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Checking in;)

Hi everyone I am just sitting here at the computer blogging and waiting for my gym cloths to dry.My dad and Dan said I could take off early today from work and go enjoy myself since it was my B day.

I plan on going to the gym,maybe going swimming and then out to eat and possibly stopping by "Best Buy" followed by some more stores:).

Well I am still working up here in the city and painting until I am blue in the face=).I also work with a great guy named Hunter and have been talking with him about the Lord and what god has done for me.I asked Hunter if he would want to go to fellowship with me some time and he said yes.

I just want to let you know God is up to something, I am not up here just to paint and it has took awhile for me to see that.

Well my cloths are done drying TTYL and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hi everyone.

Today will be the day I drive back up to the city.I don't know how long I will be up in the city but I am taking my car with me this time,so I am excited about that.

Some more news is, I will be turning 17 the 10th of this month.I can't believe I will be 17, I don't feel 17.

Besides that there isn't much for me to say.

Well I am going to start packing for the city, God bless and TTYL.