Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lone Survivor. PT.2

Ok before I tell you the decision the seals made which was kill the goat herders or let them go, let me tell you the names of the 4 seals. Marcus, Axe, Murphy and Danny.Ok all 4 of the seals were talking about there options when Marcus says "Let's just let them go and relocate" and the rest of the team agreed.

So the seals let the goat herders go and relocated.As the seals were sitting in there new position they saw men with AK 47's walking towards there position.Now Marcus knew it was a dumb decision letting them goat herders go because now the Taliban had them surrounded and there was no way out.Well anyway they ended up getting in a fire fight with the Taliban and the odds were stacked against the seals 35 to 1 to be exact 140 crazy guys with AK's against 4 seals.

After hours of fighting Marcus was the only one left, now Marcus was pretty beat up but he managed to crawl 7 miles to a village and eluded the Taliban temporally.When Marcus reached the village the villagers took him in and gave him food and water and stuck him in a little room so he could rest basically.Well some of the villagers wanted to know who Marcus was and what he was doing there so Marcus told the villagers he was a doctor and was sent to help his people ,so most of the villagers called him "Doctor Marcus".

Now the Village Marcus was staying in was known as the Pashtun tribe and there was a leader in the Pashtun tribe that was an elder and everybody listen to him when he spoke you didn't tell this guy "no" it's the Pashtun way.(I forgot his name let's just call him Ben).Well Ben approved of Marcus staying there and Ben assigned a guard to Marcus named Gulab.Marcus and Gulab got acquainted real well,Gulab also was a great tracker and very smart too.

I will tell you some more of the story later if you have any questions let me know:).I kind of have to zip through the story because it's such a long book. But if you have a hard time understanding any of it or if something is unclear let me know and I will be happy to explain=) (because I know I'm not the best writer).

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