I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phl 3-14.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Regency Towers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
- What makes you smile?. Watching my little brother Samson smile.
- Are you patient?.Depends on what I am waiting for.
- Name one word you like and the definition.Try "To try to the point of exhaustion"
- What is your favorite kind of shake?.Strawberry,banana,chocolate shake (Make that a large please)
- If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be.My acne LOL!!
- What is the meaning of life?.To serve the Lord of course.
- If you could go on vacation where would you go rite now?.Cozumel Mexico.
- Name 3 insects that annoy you.Flies,ticks and mosquito's
- Do you think to much?.I think so... I don't know let me think about it=).
- Do you wish you were older?. No not really:).
- How much do you weigh?. 150 pounds.
- Do you like texting?. I don't hate it.
- Name something you like to do on a day off?. Go places=)
- Do you ever act goofy?. Me?!?!... no way... I am a very serious person!! there is no time for nonsense!!.Yes I act Goofy sometimes!.
- What time is it rite now?. 9:45pm (Hey I am off today!!).
- Do you dress to impress or is that just your style?. I have to be honest...BOTH! (I know silly HUH!).
- Name an embarrassing experience.I fell out of the front window in my underwear when I was 5 (Mom told me to get out of that window).
- What is an ugly animal in your book?.A monkey!!!.
- City or Country?."Give me the Country or give me Death"!!!!!...Oh I mean the country:).
- Would you describe yourself as tough?. Well all young men my age are tough of course;)!!
- Name one thing you really want. A truck!!
- Are you a fast runner?. Nope.
- How long are you going to sit here and answer questions you thought of?.I don't know it's kind of fun!!!=)(I know I'm weird).
- What would be some advice you would give to a young boy?. Enjoy being little because you will have to pay taxes when you get 18 LOL!!!!!!!!!!
- Any prospects?.That's for me to know and you to find out:P.
- Does a ten pound bag of flower make a big biscuit. HAHA I bet it does!!.
- What are you watching rite now?.Planet Earth (On the discovery channel).
- Are you moody?. YES!!!.
- If you could pick a nickname for yourself what would it be?.I never thought I could ask myself such a hard question... MIT MIT!! LOL!!! (There is a story behind MIT MIT)
- Do you argue with yourself?. Nope...
- What was your favorite color when you were little?.Red!!.
- Say something you heard that struck you funny.I am so broke I can't even afford to pay attention.
- What time is it now?.10:30pm...10:30!!!!!! I better get off of here:).
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ola!! (Hello)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaQRf2Q7IJU It took me a week to get the name of this song and I am so happy I found it!!!. It's called "On And On" by "Chasen".Have you heard it? do you like it?.
I did go scuba diving last Saturday but I am sorry to tell you we didn't get any pictures (I know bummer camera trouble again!!!).But I have one last dive at the training Lake and I will be a certified scuba diver.
I have been going to the GYM at Regency Towers here in Oklahoma City .Sue works at Regency Towers so I get into the GYM for free;).
I have my eye's on a neat truck that is sitting in Dan and Sue's backyard.It is a "97 Chevy SLT 1500" it needs just a little work on the body but nothing 3 days and 600 dollars can't fix.I prayed about it,so I know if I need this truck the Lord will make a way.
I will probably be in Oklahoma City for at least 2 more months(Big job coming up). I miss my family and my friends so I am a little home sick rite now.
I haven't posted in awhile for 3 reasons, number 1. I was to lazy to post.Number 2. The computer mouse stopped working and number 3.I have been really busy=).
On one of our day's off Dan and I went to a store called "Sheplers" (A western store) and I was amazed how expensive them western style shirts,pants and 100 dollar cowboy hats cost (We didn't stay long).If I was to get a cowboy hat I would not pay a 100 dollars, or a 140 dollars for a long sleeve western shirt (It was a very nice looking shirt).Oh and an 80 dollar pair of jeans, don't get me started.
Well not much else to say, I will try to post soon TTYL.
Monday, March 8, 2010
A blast!!.
What did we practice hmmm,Clearing our regulator,taking our mask completely off under water and putting it back on,how to recover a regulator,how to inflate your BCD manually and orally,how to clear a flooded mask,how to signal your buddy that your out of air and then share air,How to tell your instructor how much air you have under water.
Another thing the instructor did was turn my air off under water and waited for me to signal out of air, After I signaled out of air the instructor turned my air back on.
I would go in to more detail but I gotta run If you have any questions ask=).
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
It's time!!.

it's set in stone This!! Saturday and Sunday I will be suited up and in scuba class ( I am so excited!!).