Saturday, February 27, 2010


Was a great movie.I was looking for a movie at Sue and Dans house to watch when I found "McLintock (With John Wayne).I had to see why John Wayne was so great.

At the Beginning of the movie I really didn't care for Johns attitude (Don't say good morning or i"ll shoot ya) That part was funny. But as the movie gone on I think John Wayne is pretty fun to watch.

I give McLintock 5 stars for such a great story =).


  1. McLintock is the last movie in the world I would have thought you would have liked... How on earth can you think the story of McLintock is better than The Man From Snowy River????..;)

    I like McLintock too:D

  2. Hey Ashton, what kind of handle would you like on that knife? I have Black walnut, red oak, apple and cork.

  3. Ok, Kayla? Can we get one thing straight here? Ummm, Man From Snowy River is just not that great of a movie. I know you post about it a lot, I know the soundtrack is great, I know Jim is cute, but really? It's kinda cheap.... =)

  4. Sam-Black Walnut, let me know when you have the knife made so we can arrange some way of getting it here and you paid:).

