Thursday, June 10, 2010

Checking in;)

Hi everyone I am just sitting here at the computer blogging and waiting for my gym cloths to dry.My dad and Dan said I could take off early today from work and go enjoy myself since it was my B day.

I plan on going to the gym,maybe going swimming and then out to eat and possibly stopping by "Best Buy" followed by some more stores:).

Well I am still working up here in the city and painting until I am blue in the face=).I also work with a great guy named Hunter and have been talking with him about the Lord and what god has done for me.I asked Hunter if he would want to go to fellowship with me some time and he said yes.

I just want to let you know God is up to something, I am not up here just to paint and it has took awhile for me to see that.

Well my cloths are done drying TTYL and God Bless.


  1. Happy Birthday! Mr. 17! Your like ancient now!

    I'm glad that God is using you! That is exiting.

  2. Happy B-Day. We're flooding over here so rain ain't a good thing. LOL

  3. Thanks everybody!.Rain is a good thing Bryan because rain makes corn ;) LOL!!.

  4. To much rain floods corn. Good luck on the dive.
