Saturday, February 27, 2010


Was a great movie.I was looking for a movie at Sue and Dans house to watch when I found "McLintock (With John Wayne).I had to see why John Wayne was so great.

At the Beginning of the movie I really didn't care for Johns attitude (Don't say good morning or i"ll shoot ya) That part was funny. But as the movie gone on I think John Wayne is pretty fun to watch.

I give McLintock 5 stars for such a great story =).

Monday, February 22, 2010


This Sunday I really enjoyed fellowship.At the beginning of the meeting me and Jake were falling asleep while everybody was singing.When Mike started talking about Romans me and Jake stayed awake.Well anyway when Mike said "You can't fight Satan on his own battle ground" I felt like a little school kid wanting to raise my hand and tell everybody, "I have tried doing that"!!.

I also enjoyed hearing about the battle between the flush and spirit. Chapter 7, Verse 13 through 25 are really interesting to read, if you haven't read it you would enjoy reading it=). (Mike read those verses at the meeting).

Then today I checked out Romans in my mothers bible, and she has a bunch of verses highlighted, so many of them are highlighted I think she should have just highlighted it all.It is like they said at the meeting we only highlight the good parts ha ha ;).

I got to stay with the priest family Saturday until Sunday me and Jake were kind of depressed that I had to go home.We had lots of fun doing all a bunch of manly stuff like... Riding horses, doing push ups and sit ups, talking about Bear Grills and watching movies and laughing about them;).

But after the meeting you could tell the Lord lifted us little depressed children up and filled us with joy even know I didn't say any thing to Jake about it, I could just tell.

About fighting Satan on his own battle ground I have tried.Whenever I was going through a hard time I would have dreams,and in these dreams I would be guarding a house with a gun, fighting people who wanted to come in.I told my mom about such dreams and she told me "Maybe your fighting it the wrong way" she was rite I was fighting Satan on his own battle ground not with the Lord.

Well I better get busy doing other things today, I wish it was nice and sunny out.I will try to post new things and my bible stuff (God is always Interesting rite;).I am excited about 3/14/2010 that is when I take my drivers test and get my license,I can't wait but I can wait.I am just enjoying what the Lord has I don't intend to rush time I guess you could say I am content.

God bless and have a great day TTYL:).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello and thoughts :)

Me and my father are taking a few days of at home with the family.We got home Wednesday and will be heading back to the city Sunday night.

Today mom,dad,Mason and Samson went to go run and take care of some stuff.Me and Landon will be cleaning and listing to Christan music off of youtube.

Yesterday papa took us to the YMCA because I asked him to and he did (YEAH!!).Landon and I had a GREAT time swimming in the big pool .After swimming in the pool papa took me and Landon to dinner a steak dinner that is!!.After a big nice steak dinner we went to WAL-MART in Madill and papa bought us some cloths.

I thank the Lord for the many blessings that I have been given and am very thankful.

One day I thought about when Adam and eve were in the garden and God told them not to eat from that fruit tree. After thinking on that for awhile a quote come to my mind that I never heard before "That is a fruit from a tree I wish to not eat off of" Pretty cool HUH!!.

Well I better get busy cleaning, I ask that the Lord fills your day with joy and many blessings.TTYL.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Short update.

We just started working on a new burn unit tearing out the old stuff so we can put on the new.

In about 3 weeks I will probably get my scuba pool work done, and after that I have to wait until it warms up a bit so I can get 100% certified at lake tin killer on a 62 foot dive.

It is snowing here again and I wish it would stop snowing, but I heard it will get up to 50 degrees tomorrow so I was happy to hear that=).

I have been thinking about the verse " In the tongue there is life and death" at least I think it's a verse, I don't know exactly.

I had eggs sausage and biscuits for breakfast.

I will try to post more soon have a great day!!.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sorry HI !

I am sorry that I haven't checked my friends blogs that much lately,I have been kind of busy.

I do appreciate all of you who answered the diving questions.

Well we got done with the burn unit and are on another job and will probably get done with this job today.

I have to go I will try to post soon have a great day =).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2 Questions

I might get certified to go scuba diving this summer Lord willing(Pray).I have never been scuba diving but I hear it is really fun, and I can't wait to throw on the scuba gear=).

My question is, have you been Scuba diving?.

Or would you even attempt to get certified and go scuba diving?.